Importance of keywords selection on Amazon

Amazon now sells millions of products in India and worldwide. When you have a product on amazon, be almost certain you are going to face tough competition from other sellers selling the same or same kind of products.
So how do you differentiate yourself or be the first one to be shown to your potential customers?
The answer is to have used a proper and most common used keyword as part of your product description.
Today shoppers do not filter their search by category. They simply go to the search bar and type their description of what they need.
If the exact words are present in your product description, your product will be among the first few to pop up on their screen. And hence your product gets its viewership. This ultimately leads to improving your Amazon sales.

Types of keywords

A brand needs to first identify the keywords it resonates best with. Next use terms that are common language but still describes its product.
A mix of both will help rank your product higher. The major keywords will generate high traffic and high competition. The more specific keyword will generate less traffic with a higher click-through rate.
The niche terms drive only a small amount of traffic but will have very little competition, making it easier to rank high for those terms and get top exposure.

Amazon Keyword Search

Make sure you do ample research before narrowing down your keywords for your products.
You should already have a list of shortlisted keywords depending on the automated keyword suggestions that pop out when you type in the search bar.
You need to now look at long-tail keywords based on your list.

Amazon Marketing Services

Another source to get keywords is to use the Amazon Marketing Services, Amazon Retail Analytics Premium and Google AdWords.
Setting up a broad match and automated sponsored product campaigns are the best way to identify new terms. Being an Amazon vendor, you will have access to ARAP.
It comes with a cost but there are some useful reports that can prove useful to you.
If your brand is running Google Adwords it can pull words out of Google and use them on Amazon. Though Google works differently, the keywords may prove useful.

Relevancy in Keywords

Relevancy is key. Using keywords that describe the product on the usage of the product helps in increasing your rankings on Amazon.
Having a good click-through rate will increase the chances of purchase for your product. Amazon would like to put the products in front of the customer they would like to purchase.
Not only does a product need to be relevant, but for an item to rank high for a specific keyword, it also needs to have a high volume sales ahead of the competition.

Optimizing Keywords

The content for every product includes title, bullet points, product description and back end keywords.
You need to make sure your content is compelling enough and contains the keywords too. Stuffing all the keywords would not be a wise choice, but using the right keywords can prove useful to you.
If you are unable to use keywords in the title or bullet points, use them in the back-end search terms instead.

More than Keywords

A product’s exposure, pricing, utility delivery message, pricing play a pivotal role in the decision-making process for the consumer.
Though Keyword search may be the first part of the sales journey, make sure the rest of the journey for your customer is informative and useful enough for the customer to make the purchase.
Some of Amazon’s biggest sales in various categories have been due to the usage of proper keywords as part of their product description, pricing and usage of the products.
Reviews from happy customers further enhance the sales of these products.
